Welcome to the official website of Tony Poninghaus


I write non-fiction and fiction, something I started about ten years ago while living in Rio de Janeiro, having always written in one form or another, but then again, not the work I’m doing today.

My non-fiction includes talking about “abstract art,” an art form I love. I also write about personal and social issues, in their many different forms. My fiction – historical fiction, love the past, looking back at distant times and dragging them forward into today. Check out my historical fiction by pushing the Get In Touch button on this screen – yep, the blue one just over there.  

You can purchase my books as either kindle or soft covers on Amazon. Just tap on the BUY ON AMAZON buttons for each book, or you can go to Amazon.com: Kindle Store and in SEARCH type in tony poninghaus that will allow you to scroll through all my books. 

You can contact me at: tonyponinghaus@gmail.com – it’s great to get your messages!