Historical Fiction

The first of a series set in the Napoleonic period. Have a look at the Historical Fiction section of this site. 


Abstract Painting

These are simple little books that show you how you can become an abstract painter. They are written in words you will understand, and give you lots of simple examples you can easily copy or modify, and if you wish, use to develop your own ideas, all achievable.


Beating the Bad, Feeling the Good

I’ve used poetry to talk about the bad days we all have, and for some, I know, much more than that. It’s not the normal medium, but it does allow you to focus on an issue. Paint a picture, as deep as you want. Express, what you want and need to say.


Prostate Cancer: What You Need To Know To Survive

A must read for all men over 50, their friends and family. 


Abstractions and Other Visions

This book is written as the “next work” following “Beating the Bad, Feeling the Good,” the motivation to write being Hurricane Irma and another hurricane, Mitch, that occurred some years ago. It’s a look at nature, and the synergies, commonalities and conflicts between man and nature using different medium including photographs, prose and flash non-fiction.


It’s Bad Today But It Doesn’t Need To Be

This is the second edition Beating the Bad, Feeling the Good. It tells more stories and seeks to provide “light at the end of the tunnel,” so to speak. It’s a journey from the bad times we all have, to the good days.