
I started writing, the work leading to this book, almost twenty years ago while teaching at the University of Missouri. So, if there is a historic thanks, it needs to go to Jim Skinner, who at the time was head of Geography, Geology and Planning. Of course, it has taken many other nudges, none as significant as living for a time in Rio de Janeiro with Carolina, and the introduction to the writings of Manúel Antônio de Almeida by Luiz – both of us making commitments to write. Carolina now lives in Florida, and I am in Auckland, but she has continued to provide support, as have my family and friends. Importantly, Andrew and Suzanna, Andrew introducing me to his contacts in the “paper world,” one in particular, a literary agent in London, who made the suggestion some seven years ago to focus my fiction on the Napoleonic period. So, I did, and although it has taken much more time than expected, I have been able to complete my first work of historical fiction, to be published in a series making it achievable. And yes, not to forget all those helpful “editors” into whose hands I thrust pages and chapters of work for review. Thanks, guys, for all you did.

So again, thanks to everyone.

Publication Date

Working very hard to have it available early next year.

Imaginary Horses

The second set of books are closer to home, set in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, moving from Europe to the Antipodes!